Scienze dell'Educazione, Scienze Pedagogiche, Educatore Professionale socio-pedagogico, Laurea Magistrale, Psicologia dello Sviluppo, Pastorale Giovanile, Scienze Religiose ISSR, Insegnare Religione,

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Pain and suffering: the limit and possibility of human existence

Article of Issue n. 2/2022Go top

Dolore e sofferenza. Limite e possibilità dell’esistenza umana,
Pain and suffering: the limit and possibility of human existence
in Rivista di Scienze dell'Educazione 60(2022)2, p. 204-215.



Pain is the most delicate and complex of human experiences. It is difficult to accept and difficult to understand. This difficulty is evident in the work of scholars of the phenomena of emotional life. Indeed, there is something about pain that is mysterious and impenetrable, with an intrinsic sacredness that wholly obstructs understanding. Giving adequate attention to traumatic events and the suffering they cause is indispensable for a growing person, not only to become aware of pain as a concomitant aspect of existence, but also to give meaning to suffering. Educating for suffering is a challenge for contemporary pedagogy.

Key words

Education, pain, suffering, person.


Pain is the most delicate and complex of human experiences. It is difficult to accept and difficult to understand. This difficulty is evident in the work of scholars of the phenomena of emotional life. Indeed, there is something about pain that is mysterious and impenetrable, with an intrinsic sacredness that wholly obstructs understanding. Giving adequate attention to traumatic events and the suffering they cause is indispensable for a growing person, not only to become aware of pain as a concomitant aspect of existence, but also to give meaning to suffering. Educating for suffering is a challenge for contemporary pedagogy.

Palabras clave

Educación, dolor, sufrimiento, persona.


Il dolore costituisce la più delicata e complessa tra le esperienze umane. Difficile sia da accettare che da comprendere. Una difficoltà che sul piano della riflessione si rileva anche negli studiosi dei fenomeni della vita emotiva. Il dolore possiede infatti qualcosa di misterioso, di impenetrabile, una sacralità intrinseca, che impedisce fino in fondo la comprensione. Dare adeguata attenzione all’evento patico e alla sofferenza che procura, è indispensabile per aiutare il soggetto in crescita non solo a «coscientizzare» il dolore in quanto aspetto consustanziale all’esistere, ma per dare senso alla sofferenza. Educare alla sofferenza rappresenta una sfida per la pedagogia contemporanea.

Parole chiave

Educazione, dolore, sofferenza, persona.

The education of man is a human awakening

Jacques Maritain